Smite Wiki
Kaiju Sobek
T Sobek Kaiju Card
Release Date: {{{release date}}}
Voice actor: Kaiju: Kellen Malone
Denise: Jennifer Green
Tony: Eric Vale
God's Page: Sobek
God voicelines
Skin voicelines
Announcer packs
Voice Guided System
Music themes
SMITE Soundtrack

God Selection[ | ]

  • ▶️ Denise: "And now the news, with Channel 4!"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"

Introduction[ | ]

  • ▶️ Tony: "What has happened here today was caused by a force entirely beyond the scope of man's imagination!"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Denise: "Brought to you live by: Channel 4. First on the scene."
  • ▶️ Denise: "We go now to the Senior Giant Monster Correspondent Tony Evangelos, live in the field. Tony, what's it like out there?"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "Are you serious?!"

Abilities[ | ]

(1) Charge Prey[ | ]

(3) Sickening Strike[ | ]

(4) Lurking in the Waters[ | ]

Low Health[ | ]

  • ▶️ Tony: "Even after all that damage, it's still alive!"
    Kaiju: "*Kaiju noises*"
  • ▶️ Denise: "Keep us posted, Tony."
    Kaiju: "*Kaiju noises*"

Items[ | ]

When placing Wards[ | ]

  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Grunt*"
    Tony: "I think it knows I'm here."
  • ▶️ Denise: "Oh, did you see that?"

When buying Consumables[ | ]

  • ▶️ Tony: "Oh god! What's it going to use that for?!"
  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "What in the world was that?!"

When buying Offensive Items[ | ]

When buying Defensive Items[ | ]

  • ▶️ Denise: "Like it wasn't strong enough already. Right, Tony?"
    Tony: "*Panic noises*"
  • ▶️ Denise: "How strong is it now, Tony?"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "I think you should come out here and check it yourself, Denise!"

Kills[ | ]

When in a Killstreak[ | ]

  • ▶️ Tony: "Can it even be killed?!"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "What will it take to stop this thing?!"

When killing a Jungle Boss[ | ]

  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Denise: "The top of the primordial ecosystem."
  • ▶️ Tony: "Dear lord. It's hunting."

When destroying a Tower[ | ]

  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "It's tearing through towers like they were little models!"
  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "My god! The destruction!"

Death[ | ]

  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "*Screaming*..."
  • ▶️ Denise: "Stay classy, SMITE fans..."
    Kaiju: "*Kaiju noises*"

Taunts[ | ]

  • ▶️ Denise: "This just in: Enemy team drastically overestimating their odds of victory."
    Kaiju: "*Kaiju noises*"
  • ▶️ Denise: "Forecast of scattered beatdowns with a 100% chance of getting wrecked."
    Kaiju: "*Laughter*"
  • ▶️ Tony: "I say again: If you're on the enemy team, please stay in your homes until the All Clear is given!"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
  • ▶️ Denise: "So what are you seeing, Tony?"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "It looks like an enemy team about to be completely destroyed!"
  • ▶️ Denise: "Stay tuned for-"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Tony: "Doom!"

Directed Taunts[ | ]

  • ▶️ Denise: "Here's a story: Local man dies of heart attack." (Bacchus)
  • ▶️ Tony: "The people's hero has fallen, just like all the rest..." (Bellona)
  • ▶️ Tony: "Why did he think he could stop this... this thing?!"
    Kaiju: "*Roar*" (Hercules)
  • ▶️ Tony: "It appears the great beetle has been slain!" (Khepri)
  • ▶️ Tony: "The great lizard has fallen!" (Kukulkan)
  • ▶️ Denise: "The acid factor of Medusa's blood creates a toxic- Um... N-Nevermind, that's wrong. Sorry." (Medusa)

Jokes[ | ]

  • ▶️ Denise: "You know what they say about the news?"
    Tony: "What's that, Denise?"
    Denise: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted and then used against you!"
    Tony: "Hahaha..."
  • ▶️ Denise: "Analysts predict Chaos takes a 29-15 lead over Order with a 90% chance that I'm wrong, Tony."
    Kaiju: "*Kaiju noises*"
    Tony: "Uh... Great?"
  • ▶️ Tony: "I got one! How many editors does it take to change a lightbulb?"
    Denise: "Are you kidding? It was supposed to be in place last week!"
  • ▶️ Kaiju: "*Roar*"
    Denise: "And that's the way the city crumbles. Back to you, Tony."
  • ▶️ Tony: "Denise? Reports indicate this Kaiju feels no remorse and seeks only to destroy all those around him."
    Denise: "A lot like my first marriage, Tony."
  • ▶️ Denise: "A recent poll shows 50% of our viewers think Kaiju is here to protect us, 40% to destroy us, and 10% that he's just looking for a good time."
    Tony: "Similar to the results from our presidential survey, Denise."
  • ▶️ Tony: "It looks like this Kaiju is evolving! Adapting to survive in its new surroundings!"
    Denise: "Much like your hairpiece, Tony."
    Kaiju: "*Laughter*"

Laughs[ | ]

VGS[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Enemy
C Careful
D Defend
E Emote
G Gank
H Help
I Incoming
Q Ward
R Retreat
S Self
T Returned
V Other

VA - Attack[ | ]

VGS Outcome
T Tower
1 Denise: "Attack left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Attack middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Attack right lane!" ▶️
A Denise: "Attack!" ▶️
F Denise: "Attack Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Denise: "Attack the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Denise: "Attack the Titan!" ▶️
M Denise: "Attack the Minions!" (Arena Only) ▶️

VAT - Tower[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Attack left tower!"
Denise: "Attack the left phoenix!"
2 Denise: "Attack middle tower!"
Denise: "Attack the middle phoenix!"
3 Denise: "Attack right tower!"
Denise: "Attack the right phoenix!"

VB - Enemy[ | ]

VGS Outcome
J Jungle
1 Denise: "Enemies in left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Enemies in middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Enemies in right lane!" ▶️
A Denise: "Enemy ultimate incoming!" ▶️
B Denise: "Enemies have returned to base." ▶️
D Denise: "Enemy ultimate down!" ▶️
E Denise: "Enemies behind us!" ▶️
F Denise: "Enemies at the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Denise: "Enemies at the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Denise: "Enemies at our Titan!" ▶️
S Denise: "Enemy spotted!" ▶️

VBJ - Jungle[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Enemies in the left jungle!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Enemies in the right jungle!" ▶️
J Denise: "Enemies in the jungle!" ▶️

VC - Careful[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Be careful left!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Be careful middle!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Be careful right!" ▶️
B Denise: "Return to base!" ▶️
C Denise: "Be careful!" ▶️
J Denise: "Be careful in the jungle!" ▶️

VD - Defend[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Defend left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Defend middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Defend right lane!" ▶️
D Denise: "Defend!" ▶️
F Denise: "Defend the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Denise: "Defend the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Denise: "Defend the Titan!" ▶️
M Denise: "Defend the Portal!" (Arena Only) ▶️

VE - Emote[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Denise: "That's great Tony!" ▶️
G Denise: "The best team, in news!" ▶️
J Jokes
L Laughs
R Denise: "Here's our top story." ▶️
T Taunts
W Denise: "Congratulations!" ▶️

VF - MIA[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Enemy missing left!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Enemy missing middle!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Enemy missing right!" ▶️
F Denise: "Enemy missing!" ▶️

VG - Gank[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Gank left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Gank middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Gank right lane!" ▶️
G Denise: "Gank!" ▶️

VH - Help[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Help left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Help middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Help right lane!" ▶️
H Denise: "Help!" ▶️
S Denise: "The Kaiju needs healing!" ▶️

VI - Incoming[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Enemies incoming left!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Enemies incoming middle!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Enemies incoming right!" ▶️
I Denise: "Enemies incoming!" ▶️

VQ - Ward[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Ward Left!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Ward middle!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Ward Right!" ▶️
F Denise: "Ward the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Denise: "Ward the Gold Fury!" ▶️
N Denise: "We need Wards!" ▶️
Q Denise: "Ward Here!" ▶️

VR - Retreat[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Retreat left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Retreat middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Retreat right lane!" ▶️
J Denise: "Retreat from the Jungle!" ▶️
R Denise: "Retreat!" ▶️
S Denise: "Save yourself!" ▶️

VS - Self[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Buff
D Defend
Q Ward
G Gank
T Returned
O Denise: "The Kaiju is on it!" ▶️
R Denise: "The Kaiju is falling back!" ▶️
S Denise: "The Kaiju is building Stacks!" ▶️

VSA - Attack[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "The Kaiju will attack left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "The Kaiju will attack middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "The Kaiju will attack right lane!" ▶️
A Denise: "The Kaiju will attack!" ▶️
F Denise: "The Kaiju will attack Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Denise: "The Kaiju will attack the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Denise: "The Kaiju will attack the Titan!" ▶️

VSB - Buff[ | ]

VGS Outcome
B Denise: "The Kaiju is going for jungle buff!" ▶️
N Denise: "The Kaiju needs the jungle buff." ▶️
T Denise: "Take this jungle buff." ▶️

VSD - Defend[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "The Kaiju will defend left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "The Kaiju will defend middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "The Kaiju will defend right lane!" ▶️
D Denise: "The Kaiju will defend!" ▶️
F Denise: "The Kaiju will defend the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Denise: "The Kaiju will defend the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Denise: "The Kaiju will defend the Titan!" ▶️

VSG - Gank[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "The Kaiju will gank left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Kaiju will gank middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "The Kaiju will gank right lane!" ▶️
G Denise: "The Kaiju will gank!" ▶️

VSQ - Ward[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "The Kaiju will ward left!" ▶️
2 Denise: "The Kaiju will ward middle!" ▶️
3 Denise: "The Kaiju will ward right!" ▶️
Q Denise: "The Kaiju will ward!" ▶️

VST - Returned[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "The Kaiju is returning left lane!" ▶️
2 Denise: "The Kaiju is returning middle lane!" ▶️
3 Denise: "The Kaiju is returning right lane!" ▶️
B Denise: "The Kaiju is returning to base!" ▶️
T Denise: "The Kaiju has returned!" ▶️

VT - Returned[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 Denise: "Enemies have returned left!" ▶️
2 Denise: "Enemies have returned middle!" ▶️
3 Denise: "Enemies have returned right!" ▶️
T Denise: "Enemies have returned!" ▶️

VV - Other[ | ]

VGS Outcome
G General
V Position
A Denise: "Ok!" ▶️
B Denise: "The Kaiju will be right back!" ▶️
C Denise: "Completed!" ▶️
K Denise: "The Kaiju is stepping away for a moment." ▶️
M Denise: "The Kaiju is out of mana!" ▶️
N Denise: "No!" ▶️
P Denise: "Please?" ▶️
S Denise: "Sorry about that, folks!" ▶️
T Denise: "Thanks!" ▶️
W Denise: "Wait!" ▶️
X Denise: "Cancel that!" ▶️
Y Denise: "Yes!" ▶️

VVG - General[ | ]

VGS Outcome
B Denise: "Bye bye!" ▶️
F Denise: "Have fun out there!" ▶️
G Denise: "Great show guys!" ▶️
H Denise: "Welcome!" ▶️
L Denise: "Good luck!" ▶️
N Denise: "Nice job!" ▶️
O Denise: "Oh no!"
Kaiju: "*roar*"
Q Denise: "Stay classy!" ▶️
R Denise: "No problem!" ▶️
S Tony: "Uaagh!" *beep*
Denise: "That's terrible!"
T Denise: "That's too bad!" ▶️
W Denise: "You're welcome!" ▶️

VVV - Position[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Denise: "Set up an ambush here!" ▶️
B Denise: "Behind us!" ▶️
C Denise: "Chase the enemy!" ▶️
D Denise: "Ultimate is down!" ▶️
E Denise: "The Kaiju is on its way!" ▶️
F Denise: "Follow the Kaiju!" ▶️
G Denise: "Group up!" ▶️
J Denise: "The Kaiju is going into the jungle!" ▶️
P Denise: "Split push!" ▶️
R Denise: "Ultimate is ready!" ▶️
S Denise: "Stay here!" ▶️
T Denise: "It's a trap!" ▶️
W Denise: "Place a Ward for teleport!" ▶️
X Denise: "Spread Out!" ▶️