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Elite Agent Apollo
T Apollo SecretAgent Card
Release Date: {{{release date}}}
Voice actor: Apollo: Phil Parsons
Control: Jennifer Green
God's Page: Apollo
God voicelines
Skin voicelines
Announcer packs
Voice Guided System
Music themes
SMITE Soundtrack

God Selection


  • ▶️ Control: "Agent Apollo, please respond."
    ▶️ Apollo: "Apollo here. What can I do for you love?"
    ▶️ Control: "Well, the first you can address me as Control, second please report on your condition."
    ▶️ Apollo: "Let's see... I'm 1.8 meters tall, ruggedly handsome, chiseled abs, amazing hair and my backside is-"
    ▶️ Control: "Agent Apollo, my job is to keep you alive. I could care less about your perfectly-formed backside."
    ▶️ Apollo: "Give it time love."
  • ▶️ Control: "Agent Apollo, status report."
    ▶️ Apollo: "Insertion complete Control, ready to proceed."
    ▶️ Control: "Mmm... No follow-up joke this time?"
    ▶️ Apollo: "I thought I'd take a go at being professional for a change."
    ▶️ Control: "Trying to impress me?"
    ▶️ Apollo: "Yeah, I want to show you how long I can keep it up."
    ▶️ Control: "Ugh, please..."


(2) Serenade

(3) The Moves

(4) Across the Sky

Low Health


When placing Wards

  • ▶️ Control: "Uplink established, ward coming online."
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Augh! I've gotta place these, Control?"
    ▶️ Control: "Yes! Wards win battles, Agent."

When buying Consumables

When buying Offensive Items

When buying Defensive Items


When in a Killstreak

When killing a Jungle Boss

When destroying a Tower



  • ▶️ Control: "I'm sorry Agent, I had been told this mission would be more challenging!"
    ▶️ Apollo: "No worries Control, I don't mind slumming it."
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Do you feel lucky? Well, do you?!"
    ▶️ Control: "You watch too much telly, Apollo."
    ▶️ Apollo: "You play too many games, Control!"
  • ▶️ Apollo: "The name is Apollo. Agent Apollo."
    ▶️ Control: "Agent, who are you talking to?"

Directed Taunts

  • ▶️ Apollo: "I guess he got the point!"
    ▶️ Control: "I don't think he really set you up for that line..." (Anhur)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Shame about that one."
    ▶️ Control: "What do you care about someone that superficial... Or, have I answered my own question?" (Aphrodite)
  • ▶️ Control: "Wasn't that your twin sister?"
    ▶️ Apollo: "My family doesn't really get along." (Artemis)
  • ▶️ Control: "You just defeated the Russian spy!"
    ▶️ Apollo: "Really Control?"
    ▶️ Control: "Hahahah... No I'm kidding, she just talks funny." (Athena)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Ate something that disagreed with you?"
    ▶️ Control: "Ahahah, I'll give you that one." (Bakasura)
  • ▶️ Control: "Hahah, no jokes on this one!"
    ▶️ Apollo: "Aw, but it was so easy!" (Bastet)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "I guess he blew a fuse."
    ▶️ Control: "Ahahah, that was horrible Agent." (Chaac)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Sorry my dear, it could have been truly sweet."
    ▶️ Control: "But probably wouldn't have been."
    ▶️ Apollo: "Jealous?"
    ▶️ Control: "Hardly." (Neith)
  • ▶️ Control: "No points for that one."
    ▶️ Apollo: "What?!"
    ▶️ Control: "He was already dead!" (Osiris)
  • ▶️ Control: "Agent, what the devil was that thing?!."
    ▶️ Apollo: "I don't know love, but she seemed to be having a fun time of it." (Scylla)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Sorry to interrupt Hammer Time!"
    ▶️ Control: "Oh, really..." (Thor)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Losers always whine about doing their best!" (Ullr)
  • ▶️ Apollo: "I guess he blew a fuse."
    ▶️ Control: "Ahahah, that's horrible Agent." (Zeus)


  • ▶️ Control: "Apollo, does it bother you killing all of those minions?"
    ▶️ Apollo: "I wouldn't be very good at my job if it did."
  • ▶️ Control: "Apollo, is it true you play a lyre?"
    ▶️ Apollo: "That's right love!"
    ▶️ Control: "I'd very much like to hear it some time."
    ▶️ Apollo: "Are you asking me out Control?"
    ▶️ Control: "No, just toying with your emotions. It's a slow day here."
  • ▶️ Apollo: "Now be honest Control: Are you as attractive as you sound?"
    ▶️ Control: "Oh now be honest Apollo: Are you as thick as you look?"
    ▶️ Apollo: "One way to find out, love."
    ▶️ Control: "Ugh..."



VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Enemy
C Careful
D Defend
E Emote
G Gank
H Help
I Incoming
Q Ward
R Retreat
S Self
T Returned
V Other

VA - Attack

VGS Outcome
T Tower
1 Apollo: "Attack left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Attack middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Attack right lane!" ▶️
A Apollo: "Attack!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Attack Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Apollo: "Attack the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Apollo: "Attack the Titan!" ▶️
M Apollo: "Attack the Minions!" (Arena Only) ▶️

VAT - Tower

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Attack left tower!"
Apollo: "Attack the left phoenix!"
2 Apollo: "Attack middle tower!"
Apollo: "Attack the middle phoenix!"
3 Apollo: "Attack right tower!"
Apollo: "Attack the right phoenix!"

VB - Enemy

VGS Outcome
J Jungle
1 Apollo: "Enemies in left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Enemies in middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Enemies in right lane!" ▶️
A Apollo: "Enemy ultimate incoming!" ▶️
B Apollo: "Enemies have returned to base." ▶️
D Apollo: "Enemy ultimate down!" ▶️
E Apollo: "Enemies behind us!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Enemies at the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Apollo: "Enemies at the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Apollo: "Enemies at our Titan!" ▶️
S Apollo: "Enemy spotted!" ▶️

VBJ - Jungle

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Enemies in the left jungle!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Enemies in the right jungle!" ▶️
J Apollo: "Enemies in the jungle!" ▶️

VC - Careful

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Be careful left!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Be careful middle!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Be careful right!" ▶️
B Apollo: "Return to base!" ▶️
C Apollo: "Be careful!" ▶️
J Apollo: "Be careful in the jungle!" ▶️

VD - Defend

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Defend left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Defend middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Defend right lane!" ▶️
D Apollo: "Defend!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Defend the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Apollo: "Defend the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Apollo: "Defend the Titan!" ▶️
M Apollo: "Defend the Portal!" (Arena Only) ▶️

VE - Emote

VGS Outcome
A Apollo: "Alright!" ▶️
G Control: "Apollo, that was fantastic!"
Apollo: "You bet, love!"
J Jokes
L Laughs
R Apollo: "Nice working with a professional!" ▶️
T Taunts
W Apollo: "Queen and country!" ▶️


VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Enemy missing left!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Enemy missing middle!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Enemy missing right!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Enemy missing!" ▶️

VG - Gank

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Gank left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Gank middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Gank right lane!" ▶️
G Apollo: "Gank!" ▶️

VH - Help

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Help left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Help middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Help right lane!" ▶️
H Apollo: "Help!" ▶️
S Apollo: "Need Healing!" ▶️

VI - Incoming

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Enemies incoming left!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Enemies incoming middle!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Enemies incoming right!" ▶️
I Apollo: "Enemies incoming!" ▶️

VQ - Ward

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Ward Left!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Ward middle!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Ward Right!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Ward the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Apollo: "Ward the Gold Fury!" ▶️
N Apollo: "We need Wards!" ▶️
Q Apollo: "Ward Here!" ▶️

VR - Retreat

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Retreat left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Retreat middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Retreat right lane!" ▶️
J Apollo: "Retreat from the Jungle!" ▶️
R Apollo: "Retreat!" ▶️
S Apollo: "Save yourself!" ▶️

VS - Self

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Buff
D Defend
Q Ward
G Gank
T Returned
O Apollo: "I'm on it!" ▶️
R Apollo: "Falling back!" ▶️
S Apollo: "I'm building Stacks!" ▶️

VSA - Attack

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "I'll Attack left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "I'll Attack middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "I'll Attack right lane!" ▶️
A Apollo: "I'll Attack!" ▶️
F Apollo: "I'll Attack the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Apollo: "I'll Attack the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Apollo: "I'll Attack the Titan!" ▶️

VSB - Buff

VGS Outcome
B Apollo: "I'm going for jungle buff!" ▶️
N Apollo: "I need the jungle buff." ▶️
T Apollo: "Take this jungle buff." ▶️

VSD - Defend

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "I'll defend left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "I'll defend middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "I'll defend right lane!" ▶️
D Apollo: "I'll defend!" ▶️
F Apollo: "I'll defend the Fire Giant!" ▶️
G Apollo: "I'll defend the Gold Fury!" ▶️
M Apollo: "I'll defend the Titan!" ▶️

VSG - Gank

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "I'll gank left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "I'll gank middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "I'll gank right lane!" ▶️
G Apollo: "I'll gank!" ▶️

VSQ - Ward

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "I will ward left!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "I will ward middle!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "I will ward right!" ▶️
Q Apollo: "I will ward!" ▶️

VST - Returned

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "I'm returning left lane!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "I'm returning middle lane!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "I'm returning right lane!" ▶️
B Apollo: "I'm returning to base!" ▶️
T Apollo: "I have returned!" ▶️

VT - Returned

VGS Outcome
1 Apollo: "Enemies have returned left!" ▶️
2 Apollo: "Enemies have returned middle!" ▶️
3 Apollo: "Enemies have returned right!" ▶️
T Apollo: "Enemies have returned!" ▶️

VV - Other

VGS Outcome
G General
V Position
A Apollo: "Ok!" ▶️
B Apollo: "Be right back!" ▶️
C Apollo: "Completed!" ▶️
K Apollo: "Stepping away for a moment." ▶️
M Apollo: "Out of mana!" ▶️
N Apollo: "No!" ▶️
P Apollo: "Please?" ▶️
S Control: "This is Control: Uhm, Apollo sends his apology." ▶️
T Apollo: "Thanks!" ▶️
W Apollo: "Wait!" ▶️
X Apollo: "Cancel that!" ▶️
Y Apollo: "Yes!" ▶️

VVG - General

VGS Outcome
B Apollo: "Bye!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Have fun!"
Control: "Please be on your best behavior."
G Apollo: "Mission accomplished!" ▶️
H Apollo: "Hi." ▶️
L Apollo: "Don't make it up!" ▶️
N Apollo: "Nice job!" ▶️
O Apollo: "Oops!" ▶️
Q Control: "All agents mantain radio silence." ▶️
R Apollo: "No problem!" ▶️
S Apollo: "Bloody hell!" ▶️
T Control: "Oh, that's too bad."
Apollo: "I know, right?"
W Apollo: "Just part of the job, mate." ▶️

VVV - Position

VGS Outcome
A Apollo: "Set up an ambush here!" ▶️
B Apollo: "Behind us!" ▶️
C Apollo: "Chase the enemy!" ▶️
D Apollo: "Ultimate is down!" ▶️
E Apollo: "On my way!" ▶️
F Apollo: "Follow me!" ▶️
G Apollo: "Group up!" ▶️
J Apollo: "Going into the jungle!" ▶️
P Apollo: "Split push!" ▶️
R Apollo: "Ultimate is ready!" ▶️
S Apollo: "Stay here!" ▶️
T Apollo: "It's a trap!" ▶️
W Apollo: "Place a Ward for teleport!" ▶️
X Apollo: "Spread Out!" ▶️