Smite Wiki
Disambig azure
For other uses, see Otheruses (disambiguation).


Use this as a general disambiguation.

Code Results in... When to use
Disambig azure
For other uses, see Otheruses (disambiguation).

From a primary article to a disambiguation, when you want, for other uses
{{Otheruses|Primary topic}}
Disambig azure
This page is about Primary topic. For other uses, see Otheruses (disambiguation).

From a primary article to a disambiguation, when you want to define the purpose of the primary article.
{{Otheruses|Primary usage|Other usage}}
Disambig azure
This page is about Primary usage. For Other usage, see Otheruses (disambiguation).

Same as above, when you want to define the purpose of the current and the disambiguation pages.
{{Otheruses||Other page}}
Disambig azure
For Other page, see Otheruses (disambiguation).

Leave out the first parameter when you only want to definite the usage of the disambiguation page.
{{Otheruses|Usage|Other use|Other article}}
Disambig azure
This page is about Usage. For Other use, see OtherArticle.

For two articles with comparable importance.
{{Otheruses|Usage|Other use|OtherArticle|Disambig}}
Disambig azure
This page is about Usage. For Other use, see OtherArticle. For Disambiguation, see Otheruses (disambiguation).

For two articles with comparable importance and several other articles.
{{Otheruses|Usage|Other use|OtherArticle|Third use|ThirdArticle}}
Disambig azure
This page is about Usage. For Other use, see OtherArticle. For Third use, see ThirdArticle.

When there are three comparable articles