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Meerkat team image
Basic Info
Name Tyler Jensen
Country USA
Team The Randozos
Role Hunter
Twitch Mirrorkat
Twitter MeerkatSmite

Tyler "Meerkat" Jensen is The Randozos's ADC.

Biography[ | ]

Meerkat’s first step into high levels of competitive SMITE came last year, with his Challenger team, The Rambozos. They fought their way through the Wildcards, and made it to the North American Regionals. Although they lost, Meerkat had a fantastic showing and joined the Cognitive Gaming roster for season 2. In Season 3, Meerkat switched from Solo to the Hunter role so that his team's roster could keep player ScaryD. Following this role swap, Meerkat appears to have trouble keeping up against other ADC's while his team consistently changes their roster.

SMITE Tournament Series Statistics[ | ]

Team History[ | ]

Team Date Role Reason for Leaving
COG Sprite Cognitive Gaming April 2015 - January 2016 Solo Team Disbanded
Problem Solved January 2016 - February 2016 Solo Replaced by Baskin
The Randozos February 2016 - Present ADC

Trivia[ | ]

Achievements[ | ]
