Smite Wiki
Valentine's Chest
TreasureRoll Valentine
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: January 29, 2016

The Valentine's Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Valentine's chest has a chance of unlocking one of the items displayed.

Exclusive[ | ]

Midnight Glamour Neith Princess Sleepyhead Kumbhakarna Necromancer Persephone Enchanted Boyfriend Cu Chulainn Deadly Desire Da Ji Hug Bug Khepri Ladybug Khepri Heartbreaker Nox Ma Chérie Arachne Moonlight Love Chang'e Valentine's Hearts Bundle Valentines Chest Bundle Valentines Chest Bundle 2 My Valentine Bundle Love Blooms Bundle

  • Valentine's Hearts Bundle:
Always Mine Avatar "Always Mine" Avatar
Forever Alone Avatar "Forever Alone" Avatar
  • Valentines Chest Bundle:
My Heart Fountain Skin "My Heart" Fountain Skin
Candy Hearts Stamp "Candy Hearts" Jump Stamp
  • Valentines Chest Bundle 2:
Love Treats Ward skin "Love Treats" Ward Skin
Lovely Hearts Level-Up skin "Lovely Hearts" Level-Up skin
  • My Valentine Bundle:
Kiss Me? Jump Stamp Kiss Me? Jump stamp
Necromancer Level-Up skin Necromancer Level-Up skin
  • Love Blooms Bundle:
XOXO Recall Skin "XOXO" Recall skin
DeathMark BorkenHeart "Broken Heart" Death mark

Additional[ | ]

Moon's Groom Hou Yi Lil' Devil Cupid
