Smite Wiki

This is a list of Common Terms used in SMITE, as well ans many other MOBA games.

General terms

Term Definition
ADC Attack Damage Carry. A term generated from other MOBAs, generally used to speak about Hunters, gold and item dependent gods that can be quite dangerous at later stages of the game.
APAM All Pick, All Mid.
ARAM All Random, All Mid.
B Back, meaning return or move back to the base. Retreat.
Care Be careful. A request that someone or lane plays cautiously, generally used when an enemy is in the jungle or missing.
Carry To bring your own team to victory, usually by dealing large amounts of damage and acquiring many kills. Some also use it as a substitute for Hunter or ADC.
CC Crowd Control.
CD Cooldown, usually in reference to a skill being on cooldown. Abilities cannot be used while they are on cooldown.
Creeps See "Minions".
D Defend. Protect a place on the map, an objective or another player.
Def Defend.
DoT Damage over Time. These are negative effects that deal deal ticks of damge over a duration.
Farm Farming is the act of eliminating minions to gain gold. "High farm" would refer to earning gold at a higher rate than other players.
Feed When you die repeatedly to enemy players, "feeding" them gold and experience and giving them the upper hand. Getting "fed" means that one or more enemy players are giving you a lot of (generally easy) kills, giving you a greater advantage over them.
Focus Direct all attacks to a single target.
Gank To attack an enemy by surprise while they are off guard in hopes of getting a kill on them. Typically pertains to gods from other lanes or the jungler.
Harass Attacking enemy gods while in laning phase, in order to bring their health down to set up a kill or force them out of the lane.
HoG Wrath (previously Hand of the Gods, a Relic used to damage neutral monsters and enemy minions.
HP Health points. Can be used to quickly tell someone you are low on health or have no health to fight.
Invade To attempt to enter the enemy side of the jungle to contest an objective that the enemy team is currently trying to get.
Juke Dodging enemy attacks, and getting out of their line of sight.
KS Kill steal / Kill stolen / Kill secured.
LoS Line of Sight, the area that a team can see.
MIA Missing In Action. Generally used to signal that someone in the enemy team is unaccounted for.
Minions Monsters not controlled by players that are spawned near the Phoenixes.
Miss Missing from lane.
OOM Out of mana.
OP Overpowered, or stronger than meant to be.
Peel Using Crowd Control and/or damage to force an enemy away from an ally.
Poke See "Harass".
Push Pertaining to moving down a lane and attacking/destroying buildings.
Re Returned to lane.
SS An abbreviation of Missing. Has a similar purpose to MIA.
Ult Ultimate ability, the 4th ability that is usually unlocked at level 5.
UP Underpowered, or weaker than meant to be.


Term Definition
AD Attack Damage, a term used in other MOBAs that represents a stat that does not exist in SMITE. The closest alternative in Smite is Physical Power.
AP Ability Power, a term used in other MOBAs that represents a stat that does not exist in SMITE. The closest alternative in Smite is Magical Power.
PP Physical Power, the main stat of Physical Gods.
MP Magical Power, the main stat of Magical Gods.
Health This stat defines a god's maximum Hit Points. At 0 Health they will die.
Mana Mana is a resource used to cast abilities. Abilities can't be cast without enough mana.

Areas of the Map

Term Definition
Mid Middle Lane.
Left Left Lane.
Right Right Lane.
Short Or Solo Lane Lane with enemy and allied towers closest to each other.
Long Or Duo Lane Lane with enemy and allied towers furthest from each other.
Jungle Area in between lanes that contains neutral monsters which grant buffs.
Base Generally defined as the area that surrounds the Titants.
Fountain Area in which you spawn. Enemies standing in them will take heavy damage, while allies will have their health and mana restored.

Ability Descriptors

Term Definition
Active These are abilities that must be cast for an effect to happen.
AoE / Area of Effect These are abilities that will affect the chosen area. They do not have to be "tied" to the God that cast them.
Channeled These are abilities that a god must keep on casting for them to remain active and may or may not prohibit the casting God from using other abilities while channeling.
Cone These are abilities that affect an angular cone of an area. They are usually "tied" to the God that casts them.
Delayed These are abilities that have a time duration before their effects take place. The time duration may occur upon casting (i.e. the ability may take time to cast) or after casting (i.e. the ability is cast and active but will take some time before it fulfills its effect).
Line These are abilities that project their effect in a straight line. They are usually "tied" to the God that casts them.
Passive These are abilities that do not need to be cast in order for their effect to happen. Passive abilities are the first slot in a God's ability set but may also appear inside of other abilities and/or interact with other abilities.


Term Definition
Mid Player who generally stays in the middle lane (see above). Usually played by a Mage. Also known as "mid laner."
Solo Player who generally stays in the short lane (see above). Usually played by a Mage, an Assassin or a Warrior. Also known as "solo laner."
ADC Player who generally stays in the long/duo lane (see Long Lane) together with the Support (see Support). Usually played by a Hunter.
Support Player who generally goes to the long/duo lane (see Long Lane) together with the Hunter (see ADC). Usually played by a Guardian or a Warrior. Also known as "supp."
Jungler Player who supports their team by occasionally performing ganks (see Gank) and generally stays in the Jungle. Usually played by an Assassin.