Smite Wiki
April Showers Discordia
T Discordia AprilShowers Card
Release Date: {{{release date}}}
Voice actor: Kristi Rothrock
God's Page: Discordia
God voicelines
Skin voicelines
Announcer packs
Voice Guided System
Music themes
SMITE Soundtrack

God Selection[ | ]

  • "Spring has sprung!"

Introduction[ | ]

  • "I have a very important job and that is.. making sure the flora blooms for the new year!"
  • "I'm so ready for spring showers to bring Mayflowers!"

Abilities[ | ]

(1) Unruly Magic[ | ]

  • "Hey! You're out of season!"
  • "Hope he brought a rain coat!"

(2) Strife[ | ]

  • "Let it grow!"
  • "Stuck in the mud!"

(3) Erractic Behavior[ | ]

  • /laughs/
  • /laughs/

(4) Golden Apple of Discord[ | ]

  • "Time to rain on your porraine!"
  • "Introduce yourself, Willy!"

Low Health[ | ]

  • "Suddenly, it feels cold. Has the forest returned?"
  • "Oh no! Am I wilting?"

Items[ | ]

When placing Wards[ | ]

  • "Need a reliable forecast? You can count on this!"
  • "Alright, little sprout. Keep me posted!"

When buying Consumables[ | ]

  • "Floody? Storms? Count me in!"
  • "Oh, what kind of elixir do we have here?"

When buying Offensive Items[ | ]

  • "Can't have rain without a little thunder!"
  • "I hope they brought an umbrella!"

When buying Defensive Items[ | ]

  • "This will be my first pair of sturdy rain boots. What an invention!"
  • "Oh that's pretty. Just like me."

Kills[ | ]

When in a Killstreak[ | ]

  • "All this chaos puts a spring in my step!"
  • "Who's counting sheep now!?"

When killing a Jungle Boss[ | ]

  • "A little pollen never hurt nobody."
  • "Oh wow! I guess they were allergic."

When destroying a Tower[ | ]

  • "April showers also destroy towers!"
  • "Oh! That storm did some work!"

Death[ | ]

  • "Ergh. Winter came early this year."
  • "Don't worry! I'll spring back again!"

Taunts[ | ]

  • "Be kind or I will rain thunder and lightning down upon you!"
  • "Lightning will strike twice for you."
  • "If you're not careful, you'll float too."
  • "Rain, rain go away, huh!? We'll see about that!"
  • "Hope you don't have any allergies!"

Directed Taunts[ | ]

  • "I knew that dog was scared of lightning." (Cerberus)
  • "Rain, rain, go away! Yes Chaac, that means you too!" (Chaac)
  • "Your garden seems.. a little drowned." (Persephone)
  • "You should take better care of your tree, old man!" (Sylvanus)
  • "Ugh. Why are your bolts bigger than mine!?" (Zeus)

Jokes[ | ]

  • "I'd rather be a bloomer than a boomer!"
  • "What's the best time to go trampolining? Spring time!"
  • "What did the flower say when making an offer? Take it or leaf it."
  • "Why do cows seek shelter in the rain? To keep each other dry!"

Laughs[ | ]

  • "(Laughs)"
  • "(Laughs)"
  • "(Laughs)"

VGS[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Enemy
C Careful
D Defend
E Emote
G Gank
H Help
I Incoming
Q Ward
R Retreat
S Self
T Returned
V Other

VA - Attack[ | ]

VGS Outcome
T Tower
1 "Attack left lane!"
2 "Attack middle lane!"
3 "Attack right lane!"
A "Attack!"
F "Attack Fire Giant!"
G "Attack the Gold Fury!"
M "Attack the Titan!"
M "Attack the Minions!" (Arena Only)

VAT - Tower[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Attack the left tower!"
"Attack the left phoenix!"

2 "Attack the middle tower!"
"Attack the middle phoenix!"

3 "Attack the right tower!"
"Attack the right phoenix!"

VB - Enemy[ | ]

VGS Outcome
J Jungle
1 "Enemies in the left lane!"
2 "Enemies in the middle lane!"
3 "Enemies in the right lane!"
A "Enemy ultimate incoming!"
B "Enemies have returned to base."
D "Enemy ultimate down!"
E "Enemies behind us!"
F "Enemies at the Fire Giant!"
G "Enemies at the Gold Fury!"
M "Enemies at the Titan!"
S "Enemy spotted!"

VBJ - Jungle[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Enemies in the left jungle!"
2 "Enemies in the right jungle!"
J "Enemies in the jungle!"

VC - Careful[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Be careful left!"
2 "Be careful middle!"
3 "Be careful right!"
B "Return to base!"
C "Be careful!"
J "Be careful in the jungle!"

VD - Defend[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Defend left lane!"
2 "Defend middle lane!"
3 "Defend right lane!"
D "Defend!"
F "Defend the Fire Giant!"
G "Defend the Gold Fury!"
M "Defend the Titan!"
M "Defend the Portal!" (Arena Only)

VE - Emote[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A "This is better than two rainbows!"
G "I'm the bestest flower!"
J Jokes
L Laughs
R "Your leafs are showing fine colors!"
T Taunts
W "Yippie!"

VF - MIA[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Enemy missing left!"
2 "Enemy missing middle!"
3 "Enemy missing right!"
F "Enemy missing!"

VG - Gank[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Gank left lane!"
2 "Gank middle lane!"
3 "Gank right lane!"
G "Gank!"

VH - Help[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Help left lane!"
2 "Help middle lane!"
3 "Help right lane!"
H "Help!"
S "Need Healing!"

VI - Incoming[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Enemies incoming left!"
2 "Enemies incoming middle!"
3 "Enemies incoming right!"
I "Enemies incoming!"

VQ - Ward[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Ward Left!"
2 "Ward middle!"
3 "Ward Right!"
F "Ward the Fire Giant!"
G "Ward the Gold Fury!"
N "We need Wards!"
Q "Ward Here!"

VR - Retreat[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Retreat left lane!"
2 "Retreat middle lane!"
3 "Retreat right lane!"
J "Retreat from the Jungle!"
R "Retreat!"
S "Save yourself!"

VS - Self[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Buff
D Defend
Q Ward
G Gank
T Returned
O "I'm on it!"
R "Falling back!"
S "I'm building Stacks!"

VSA - Attack[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "I'll Attack left lane!"
2 "I'll Attack middle lane!"
3 "I'll Attack right lane!"
A "I'll Attack!"
F "I'll Attack the Fire Giant!"
G "I'll Attack the Gold Fury!"
M "I'll Attack the Titan!"

VSB - Buff[ | ]

VGS Outcome
B "I'm going for jungle buff!"
N "I need the jungle buff."
T "Take this jungle buff."

VSD - Defend[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "I'll defend left lane!"
2 "I'll defend middle lane!"
3 "I'll defend right lane!"
D "I'll defend!"
F "I'll defend the Fire Giant!"
G "I'll defend the Gold Fury!"
M "I'll defend the Titan!"

VSG - Gank[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "I'll gank left lane!"
2 "I'll gank middle lane!"
3 "I'll gank right lane!"
G "I'll gank!"

VSQ - Ward[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "I will ward left!"
2 "I will ward middle!"
3 "I will ward right!"
Q "I will ward!"

VST - Returned[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "I'm returning left lane!"
2 "I'm returning middle lane!"
3 "I'm returning right lane!"
B "I'm returning to base!"
T "I have returned!"

VT - Returned[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Enemies have returned left!"
2 "Enemies have returned middle!"
3 "Enemies have returned right!"
T "Enemies have returned!"

VV - Other[ | ]

VGS Outcome
G General
V Position
A "Ok!"
B "Be right back!"
C "Completed!"
K "Stepping away for a moment."
M "Out of mana!"
N "No!"
P "Please?"
S "So sorry!"
T "Thanks!"
W "Wait!"
X "Cancel that!"
Y "Yes!"

VVG - General[ | ]

VGS Outcome
B "Ciao! Ciao!"
F "Time for some spring cleaning!"
G "Very good game!"
H "Charmed!"
L "Good luck!"
N "You're the bees knees!"
O "Whoopsie daisy!"
Q "Ssshh, please!"
R "No problem at all!"
S "Oh, burch!"
T "That's too bad!"
W "You're welcome!"

VVV - Position[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A "Set up an ambush here!"
B "Behind us!"
C "Chase the enemy!"
D "Ultimate is down!"
E "On my way!"
F "Follow me!"
G "Group up!"
J "Going into the jungle!"
P "Split push!"
R "Ultimate is ready!"
S "Stay here!"
T "It's a trap!"
W "Place a Ward for teleport!"
X "Spread Out!"