Smite Wiki

Items are objects and artifacts that provide special benefits and/or abilities to a god beyond their basic capabilities. They are only sold at the store at the fountains on each base. Items cost gold, and they can be sold back for a portion of the original cost (However, they can be sold for their full price as long as the player hasn't left their fountain or used the item.). Items are arranged in several categories: Consumable, Active and finally Passive items, which are subclassified in Starter, Offensive, Defensive and Utility items. Active and Passive items have branching tiers, that allow players to upgrade them into different, stronger versions of the original item which can then be upgraded once more. Players can carry more that one item from the same item tree but can't acquire two of the exact same item.

You can find a list with all current items sorted in different categories like type, tier or the stats they provide, here: List of items.

Consumable items

Consumables are one-time use items that are removed after they are activated. Each god can only carry two different consumables at a time, but they can carry multiple quantities of each one. You may also sell consumables back to the shop for half of the item's cost.

HealthPotionHealthPotion Healing Potion (50) ManaPotionManaPotion Mana Potion (50) MultiPotionMultiPotion Multi Potion (50) Icons Wards Basic 01Icons Wards Basic 01 Ward (50)
Icons Wards Consumable 01Icons Wards Consumable 01 Sentry Ward (135) PotionofMagicalMightPotion of Magical Might (450) PotionofPhysicalMightPotion of Physical Might (450) ElixirofDefense T3ElixirofDefense T3 Elixir of Defense (3000)
ElixirofPower T3ElixirofPower T3 Elixir of Power (3000)

Active items

Actives grant the player a new ability like becoming invulnerable for a short duration or damaging nearby minions. As their name imply, Active items only take effect when activated, and once used they will go into a long cooldown before they can be used again. Each god can only have two unique active items at a time and they cannot be removed from your inventory after acquiring them and leaving your fountain or using them.

Tier I

GirdleofMight T1Girdle of Might (200) AegisAmulet Relic S9AegisAmulet Relic S9 Aegis Amulet (300) Blink (300) EnemyMovementDebuff 01Creeping Curse (300)
EyeofProvidence T1Eye of Providence (300) HandoftheGods ConsumableHand of the Gods (300) Meditation (300) PurificationBeads Relic S9PurificationBeads Relic S9 Purification Beads (300)
Shell (300) Sprint (300) Teleport (300) ShieldoftheUnderworld T1Shield of the Underworld (600)

Tier II

GirdleofPower T2Girdle of Power (400) AchillesSpear T2Achilles' Spear (600) EnemyMovementDebuff 01Creepier Curse (600) ImprovedAegis T2Improved Aegis (600)
Blink 01Improved Blink (600) ImprovedMeditation T2Improved Meditation (600) ImprovedProvidence t2Improved Providence (600) ImprovedPurification T2Improved Purification (600)
Shell 01Improved Shell (600) ImprovedSprint T2Improved Sprint (600) ShieldedRecall Teleport 01Improved Teleport (600) AoeminiondamageRage of the Gods (600)

Tier III

GirdleofMight SelfGirdle of Inner Power (600) GirdleofMight 03Girdle of Support (600) Aegis T3Aegis Pendant (900) Blink Combat 01Combat Blink (900)
Creeping Curse Rank3Enfeebling Curse (900) HandoftheGods Fist 01Fist of the Gods (900) GreaterAegis T3Greater Aegis (900) Blink 03Greater Blink (900)
GreaterMeditation T3Greater Meditation (900) GreaterProvidence T3Greater Providence (900) GreaterPurification T3Greater Purification (900) GreaterSprint T3Greater Sprint (900)
FriendlyMovementBuff 01Heavenly Agility (900) Salvation T3Salvation (900) ShellofAbsorption 01Shell of Absorption (900) Shielded Recall 01Shielded Teleport (900)
Creeping Curse Rank3 bWeakening Curse (900) AoeminiondamageWrath of the Gods (900) Teleport to GodsTeleport to Gods (1100)

Passive items

Passive items are the most prevalent. Each one provides a bonus to one or more stats like Health, Movement Speed, or Magical Protection. Each god can only hold up to six different passive items. Most Tier III Passive items also provide a unique Passive effect, like auras or On Basic hit effects. There are also a few Tier II items that provide unique effects. While most Passive items can be acquired by anyone, there are a number of items that are restricted to gods with a certain kind of Power (Physical or Magical), these being mostly the ones that provide Power, Lifesteal or Penetration bonuses.

Passive items are classified in different categories: Starter, Offensive, Defensive and Utility. Starter items are items with a single tier whose bonuses and unique passive effects are most useful on the early stages of a match, but gradually become less useful as time goes by. Offensive items provide boosts to stats related to attack and damage output (Physical & Magical Power, Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance, etc.). Defensive items are the ones that provide bonus to stats related to defense and self-preservation (Physical & Magical Protection, Health and HP5.). Utility items provide you with boosts for misc. stats (Cooldown Reduction, MP5, Movement Speed, etc.) or that provide supportive and team beneficial bonuses (like Aura effects).

Starter items

Starter BluestonePendant T1Starter BluestonePendant T1 Bluestone Pendant (800) BumbasMask T3Bumba's Mask (800) Starter DeathsToll T1Starter DeathsToll T1 Death's Toll (800) MarkoftheVanguard T1Mark of the Vanguard (800)
SoulStone T1Soul Stone (800) Starter VampiricShroud T1Starter VampiricShroud T1 Vampiric Shroud (800) Starter Support 01Watcher's Gift (800)

Tier I

P Boots BasicBoots (300) M Shoes BasicShoes (300) TinyTrinket T1TinyTrinket T1 Tiny Trinket (540) Breastplate T1Breastplate T1 Breastplate (555)
AncientBlade T1AncientBlade T1 Ancient Blade (580) LostArtifact T1LostArtifact T1 Lost Artifact (600) ShortBow T1ShortBow T1 Short Bow (600) MorningStar T1MorningStar T1 Morningstar (650)
SpikedGauntlet T1SpikedGauntlet T1 Spiked Gauntlet (650) HiddenDagger T1HiddenDagger T1 Hidden Dagger (670) EmeraldRing T1EmeraldRing T1 Emerald Ring (690) Cloak T1Cloak T1 Cloak (700)
Light BladeLight Blade Light Blade (700) Soul Reliquary (700) Uncommon Sash (700) IronMail T1IronMail T1 Iron Mail (725)
Talisman T1Talisman T1 Talisman (725) Cudgel T1Cudgel T1 Cudgel (750) ImperialHelmet T1Imperial Helmet (750) Mace T1Mace T1 Mace (750)
MagicalFocus T1MagicalFocus T1 Magic Focus (760) EnchantedBuckler T1Enchanted Buckler (820) RoundShield T1RoundShield T1 Round Shield (890)

Tier II

P Boots CombatCombat Boots (900) M Shoes MagicMagic Shoes (900) EnchantedRelic T2EnchantedRelic T2 Enchanted Trinket (1000) HydrasStar T2HydrasStar T2 Hydra's Star (1000)
EnchantedRing T2EnchantedRing T2 Enchanted Ring (1075) BoundGuantlet T2BoundGuantlet T2 Bound Gauntlet (1100) SilverBreastplate T2SilverBreastplate T2 Silver Breastplate (1100) AdventurersBlade T2AdventurersBlade T2 Adventurer's Blade (1150)
Fatalis T2Fatalis (1150) ChargedBow T2ChargedBow T2 Charged Bow (1200) ChargedMorningStar T2ChargedMorningStar T2 Charged Morningstar (1200) TowerShield T2TowerShield T2 Tower Shield (1200)
SilverTalisman T2SilverTalisman T2 Silver Talisman (1225) MagisBlessing T3MagisBlessing T3 Magi's Cloak (1230) MorningStarofSpeed T2Morningstar of Speed (1230) Balanced BladeBalanced Blade Balanced Blade (1250)
CursedBlade T2CursedBlade T2 Cursed Blade (1250) JadeMountainHelm T2Jade Mountain Helm (1250) SmithysHammer T2Smithy's Hammer (1300) HeavyHammer T2HeavyHammer T2 Heavy Hammer (1350)
TalonTrinket T2TalonTrinket T2 Talon Trinket (1370) EnchantedSpear T2EnchantedSpear T2 Enchanted Spear (1400) SteelMail T2SteelMail T2 Steel Mail (1400) Golden Sash (1450)
WardStone T2Ward Stone (1450) WardedShield T2Warded Shield (1450) WarriorsBane T2WarriorsBane T2 Warrior's Bane (1450) CursedGauntlet T2CursedGauntlet T2 Cursed Gauntlet (1465)
EmeraldTalisman T2EmeraldTalisman T2 Emerald Talisman (1480) ShortSword T2ShortSword T2 Short Sword (1500) SpellFocus T2SpellFocus T2 Spell Focus (1500) CloakofConcentration T2CloakofConcentration T2 Cloak of Concentration (1515)
Silver Mail (1515) RodofHealing T2RodofHealing T2 Rod of Healing (1530) HeavyMace T2HeavyMace T2 Heavy Mace (1550) ArmoredHide T2Armored Cloak (1585)
Soul Trap (1590) SpikedShield T2Spiked Shield (1610) Ichaival T3Ichaival (1700) Asi T3Asi T3 Asi (1750)
DynastyPlateHelm T3Dynasty Plate Helm (1750) DoomOrb T3DoomOrb T3 Doom Orb (1790) RestoredArtifact T2RestoredArtifact T2 Restored Artifact (1900)

Tier III

P ReinforcedGreavesReinforced Greaves (1400) Travelers Shoes (1400) M ReinforcedGreavesReinforced Shoes (1450) P NinjaTabiNinja Tabi (1500)
M Shoes ofFocusShoes of Focus (1500) TalariaBoots T3Talaria Boots (1500) M Shoes oftheMagiShoes of the Magi (1550) P WarriorTabiWarrior Tabi (1550)
Heartseeker T3Heartseeker T3 Heartseeker (1790) Shield of Regrowth (1800) DivineRuin T3DivineRuin T3 Divine Ruin (1820) WingedBlade T3WingedBlade T3 Winged Blade (1850)
SoulEater T3SoulEater T3 Soul Eater (2000) DevourersGauntlet T3DevourersGauntlet T3 Devourer's Gauntlet (2050) ObsidianShard T3ObsidianShard T3 Obsidian Shard (2050) RuneforgedHammer T3RuneforgedHammer T3 Runeforged Hammer (2050)
TitansBane T3TitansBane T3 Titan's Bane (2050) HeartwardAmulet T3HeartwardAmulet T3 Heartward Amulet (2100) Lotus Crown (2100) Sovereignty T3Sovereignty T3 Sovereignty (2100)
TelkhinesRing T3TelkhinesRing T3 Telkhines Ring (2125) HastenedFatalis T3Hastened Fatalis (2140) HydrasLament T3HydrasLament T3 Hydra's Lament (2150) Pestilence T3Pestilence T3 Pestilence (2150)
SpearoftheMagus T3SpearoftheMagus T3 Spear of the Magus (2150) The ExecutionerThe Executioner The Executioner (2200) Witchblade T3Witchblade (2200) HideoftheNemeanLion T3Hide of the Nemean Lion (2250)
Magi's Blessing (2250) MidGuardianMail T3MidGuardianMail T3 Midgardian Mail (2250) StoneofGaia T3StoneofGaia T3 Stone of Gaia (2250) Bloodforge T3Bloodforge T3 Bloodforge (2265)
DemonicGrip T3DemonicGrip T3 Demonic Grip (2280) BreastPlateofValor T3BreastPlateofValor T3 Breastplate of Valor (2300) FrostboundHammer T3FrostboundHammer T3 Frostbound Hammer (2300) Polynomicon T3Polynomicon T3 Polynomicon (2300)
TheCrusher T3TheCrusher T3 The Crusher (2300) GoldenBow T3Golden Bow (2330) VoidStone T3Void Stone (2350) Ancile T3Ancile (2400)
BancroftsTalon T3BancroftsTalon T3 Bancroft's Talon (2400) BrawlersBeatStick T3BrawlersBeatStick T3 Brawler's Beat Stick (2400) ChronosPendant T3ChronosPendant T3 Chronos' Pendant (2400) RunicShield T3Runic Shield (2400)
MailofRenewal T3MailofRenewal T3 Mail of Renewal (2415) JotunnsWrath T3JotunnsWrath T3 Jotunn's Wrath (2440) SpiritRobe T3SpiritRobe T3 Spirit Robe (2460) HideoftheUrchin T3Hide of the Urchin (2500)
BulwarkofHope T3Bulwark of Hope (2525) PythagoremsPiece T3PythagoremsPiece T3 Pythagorem's Piece (2600) Transcendence T3Transcendence T3 Transcendence (2600) VoidShield T3VoidShield T3 Void Shield (2600)
BookofThoth T3BookofThoth T3 Book of Thoth (2650) OdysseusBow T3OdysseusBow T3 Odysseus' Bow (2450) Warlock's Sash (2650) RodofAscelpius T3RodofAscelpius T3 Rod of Asclepius (2660)
EtherealStaff T3EtherealStaff T3 Ethereal Staff (2700) ShapeShifterShield T3Shifter's Shield (2700) Rage T3Rage T3 Rage (2755) CelestialLegionHelm T3Celestial Legion Helm (2850)
GemofIsolation T3GemofIsolation T3 Gem of Isolation (2850) MysticalMail T3MysticalMail T3 Mystical Mail (2850) Malice T3Malice (2900) SoulReaver T3SoulReaver T3 Soul Reaver (2940)
Qins SaisQins Sais Qin's Sais (3050) Deathbringer T3Deathbringer T3 Deathbringer (3150) RodofTahuti T3RodofTahuti T3 Rod of Tahuti (3320)